El levantamiento de los seminolas 1955

War Western

Cavalry Lieutenant Can Elliott is ordered to bring in Seminole Indian chief Black Cat, who is leading his tribe in a campaign of terror and bloodshed. Black Cat kidnaps Susan Hannah, ...

Tous les titres
  • US: Seminole Uprising Seminole Uprising
  • AT: Häuptling Schwarzer Pfeil Häuptling Schwarzer Pfeil
  • BR: A Mulher e os Índios A Mulher e os Índios
  • FR: La Révolte des Séminoles La Révolte des Séminoles
  • IT: La rivolta dei seminole La rivolta dei seminole
  • TR: Asi Kabile Asi Kabile
  • US: Häuptling Schwarzer Pfeil Häuptling Schwarzer Pfeil
Date de sortie 01 May 1955
Lien IMDb
