Mision: Besar y Matar 1979


Lee stars as Constable Lu, an honest cop embarking on a mission to deliver eight valuable jade miniature horses to a wealthy lord. Blackie co-stars as Lu's partner, together the duo embark ...

Tous les titres
  • TW: Lang dang jiang hu Lang dang jiang hu
  • HK: Zhao ji zai da heng xing Zhao ji zai da heng xing
  • PT: Missão Matar e Morrer Missão Matar e Morrer
  • US: Mission: Kiss and Kill Mission: Kiss and Kill
  • TW: Im Würgegriff der gelben Schlange Im Würgegriff der gelben Schlange
Date de sortie 21 Feb 1980
Lien IMDb
